[中国] - Summer Camp 2014


EDIT: Såg nyss att vissa bilder är för stora, ska ladda upp de igen fast mindre!

From July 13th to 26th 2014, a group of overseas Chinese youths were brought together to the city of 长沙 in 湖南 province due to one common thread: their bad-assery.

Despite hailing from the UK, USA and Sweden, friendships were quickly formed due to conversations that were deep and meaningful and alcohol that was cheap and plentiful.

During camp, these badasses not only mastered Chinese wushu, traditional instruments and calligraphy, but also the arts of haggling, selfie-taking and human pyramid making.

A unique feature of Hunan province is the spiciness of the cuisine meaning that many pot noodles were consumed and midnight trips to KFC were made over the course of the camp.

Nationalistic propaganda was fed to the campers as they learnt about the Chinese dream and travelled from one statue of Mao Zedong to the next. Beautiful natural sights such as 张家界's "Avatar" mountains and 黄龙 caves were also visited. However, what the campers truly cared about was obtaining the optimum game play for the all night rounds of Mafia.

The purpose of this group is a medium to share snapshots of these unforgettable moments as camp was only 14 days long but life-long memories and friendships have been created.




*Pictures in no particular order!*


U.S mafia

Swedish mafia
U.K mafia

Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore


Go hard or Go home
Öl & 56% BaiJiu weho!

Vem säger nej till gratis alkohol? 

KTV från 23 - 04 ♥


